Well hey there! I am sorry to have gone M.I.A., but the doggy, Drakers, chewed my computer cord and I haven't had a laptop to blog from :( Its been weird... but I will get back in to the swing of things! I figured I would dip my toe back in the water before I decided to canon ball with a huge blog post. So, I looked around and came across the "Sweater Weather" tag... this just means that I will answer a series of questions and then tag someone else to also complete the tag and pass it along. Its like a chain letter that you never asked for... ha! So, here we go!
I wasn't able to burn candles for a while because of the oxygen in the house, but now that I can I went out and bought some of the soy candles from Target and am now obsessed with the Sugar Blossom scent! I don't care if it is Summer, Spring, Fall or Winter... this candle smells A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
2. Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate?
To be honest... I could really go for all three! But, if I have to choose one, which I guess is the point, I think I would go with coffee w/ some Baileys :) Sooo yummy!
3. Do you switch up your makeup routine for the Fall?

I guess I do a little bit. I tend to go for more rosey/red blushes as opposed to pinks and peaches because my skin tone is different. It isn't drastically different because, let's be honest, I don't really get a tan. But, it does make a difference to me! I also tend to go a little darker with the eyeshadows and lipsticks. I wear more glosses in the Summer, but in the Fall/Winter I lean more towards darker glosses or lipsticks. PS. I remember when I was younger I thought it meant you were "old" when you started to wear lipstick... dumb!
4. Favorite Thanksgiving food?
I think it would be a tie! I am obsessed with the mashed potatoes and the stuffing! I prefer my mashed potatoes to be a little lumpy! But, when you mix the lumpy mashed potatoes with the stuffing and add a little gravy?? Ohhhh girl-- watch out! That shit is delish! I also have a soft spot for the can shaped cranberry sauce haha...
5. Hats or scarves?
This is a no brainer... scarves! I am a scarf-o-holic! Liz always jokes when I look at scarves in a store because she says I have way too many. They are so versitile! You can wear them with anything!
I don't necessarily wear full-blown, pullover sweaters. I am more of a cardigan girl. They are flattering and help when you are layering! You can dress them up, dress them down, wear them with leggings, jeans, dresses... really anything! I am obsessed with one that I bought recently that has leather panels in the front and is a lighter, t-shirt type material all over. I got it from NY&Co. and it has been one of my favs! I really love it with black jeggings (terrible term btw), boots, white t-shirt and a long necklace!
<----- Photo courtesy of www.nyandcompany.com -- its the beauty on the left :)
<----- Photo courtesy of www.nyandcompany.com -- its the beauty on the left :)

Again, a no brainer. I am obsessed with OPI's Licoln Park After Dark. I currently have it on both my fingernails and toenails! I will inevitablly always grab this color when I am getting a mani/pedi. And now it is even more exciting because they make it in a Gel Polish!! It is so amazing to have this dark color NOT chip on my nails! It is the perfect Fall polish for anybody!
8. Football game or jumping in a pile of leaves?
Hahaha... Like I would ever be outside and raking so that I could have a pile of leaves to jump in! I mean if there was already a pile and it was calling my name-- that may be a different story. But, even though I don't fully understand the sport I will choose Football. I loooove watching my Pirates play :)
9. Skinny jeans or leggings?
Well... if I am in public I am going to opt for skinny jeans. They are a bit more structured and forgiving than leggings may be. I have heard that there is a magical pair of leggings that are fleece lined which I could probably be convinced to choose over the skinny jeans, but only if they are paired with boots and a cozy cardigan :)
10. Boots or Uggs?
Again, this is going to depend on the situation. If I am running around and doing nothing then I would prefer Uggs. If I am going out or actually trying to look nice I will choose boots. For the purpose of this I will choose boots because more often than not I am actually trying lol...
11. What is your #1 favorite thing about the Fall?
I really cannot choose one!! This whole list has a few of the reasons why I love the Fall... Don't make me choose!
12. Do you have a song that gets you in the Fall mood or just a song you are loving at the moment?
This song doesn't necessarily get me in the "Fall mood", but I pretty much listen to it all.the.time! It makes me happy and makes me move... both keys to a great song!
Ladies and gentleman... Of Monsters And Men :)

13. What is the Fall weather currently like where you live?
It has been really crazy recently! Here in MD it has been warm and in the 60's some days and then freezing and below 30's some other days. It really can't seem to make its mind up at the moment. I got to work on Sunday and the whole fountain was covered with icicles! While it was really pretty it was also a scary reminder that each time I went outside I was going to FREEZE!
So that is it!! I hope you enjoyed this little peak into the "Fall" me! I think the person I will tag to complete this next is none other than Miss Brittany Harris! I would love to know your Fall Must-Haves! Hope everyone has a great holiday week! I am looking forward to spending loads of time with family and friends. I am also looking forward to seeing the Class of 2003 on Saturday!! Cannot believe it has been 10 years already!